

Glass maintenance

1, do not usually hit the glass surface with force, in order to prevent scratches on the glass surface, it is best to spread the tablecloth. When you put something on glass furniture, you must handle it gently and avoid collision.

2, daily cleaning, wipe with a wet towel or newspaper, in case of stains can be used to wipe the beer or warm vinegar wipe, in addition can also use the glass cleaner sold on the market, avoid using acid and alkali Strong solution cleaning. Winter glass surface is easy to be frosted, and can be wiped with cloth brine or liquor, which works well.

3,Once the pattern of frosted glass is dirty, use a toothbrush with a cleaning agent to remove the pattern. In addition, you can also drop kerosene on the glass or use chalk and gypsum powder to drench the glass and let it dry on the glass, then wipe it with a clean cloth or cotton, so that the glass is clean and bright.

4, glass furniture is best placed in a relatively fixed place, do not move back and forth; to smooth placement of objects, heavy objects should be placed on the bottom of glass furniture, to prevent the furniture center of gravity caused by instability. In addition, to avoid moisture, away from the stove, to be isolated with chemical reagents such as acids and alkalis to prevent corrosion deterioration.

5, the use of plastic wrap and sprayed with a damp cloth can also allow the often stained glass “regaining new life.” First of all, the glass is sprayed with a detergent, and then cling film to soften the solidified oil stains. After ten minutes, remove the cling film and wipe it with a damp cloth. If you want to keep the glass bright and clean, you must always clean it. If you have any handwriting on the glass, rub it with rubber and then wipe it with a damp cloth. If there is paint on the glass, use a cotton vinegar scrub; use a clean dry cloth and alcohol to wipe the glass. Can make it bright as crystal.

kitchen cupboard handles

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